• Member Announcement
  • October 3, 2024

AEA Elections and Other Announcements

Date: October 3, 2024
To: Members of the American Economic Association
From: Peter L. Rousseau, Secretary-Treasurer

Results of the 2024 AEA Election of Officers

Congratulations to the newly elected 2025 Officers: Katharine Abraham (president-elect), Amy Finkelstein and Jeffrey Wooldridge (vice-presidents), Elizabeth Cascio and Damon Jones (members). Thank you to all the candidates who stood for election and to the members who voted in the election. For more information about the elected officers, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/leadership/election-winners.

Procedures governing the nominating process for the election can be found online at https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/nominating/procedures.

Register Now for the 2025 ASSA Meeting

Registration is open for the annual meeting, which will take place January 3–5, 2025, in San Francisco. Take advantage of discounted rates by registering before December 3. Registration and general information are available on the AEA website at https://www.aeaweb.org/conference.

AEA Annual Meeting Program

The AEA annual meeting program for 2025 is set to offer an exciting and engaging experience. Highlights include the prestigious AEA Distinguished Lecture by Sendhil Mullainathan from the University of Chicago and the AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon featuring Emi Nakamura from the University of California, Berkeley. New additions this year include Lightning Round Sessions, a Mentoring and Networking luncheon, and a Recent Developments Series.

For more information on the opportunities available at the meeting, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/, where we regularly share new highlights. We can’t wait to see you in San Francisco!

AEA Continuing Education Program – Changes for 2025

The AEA Continuing Education Program will be held simultaneously with the 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting as part of the regularly scheduled sessions. The continuing education sessions have been renamed the “AEA Recent Developments Series” and are accessible to all registrants at no additional cost. This series, which will feature eight two-hour sessions scheduled across Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, is designed to help economists at all career stages sustain and enhance their expertise. For more information and to view the topics, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/cont-ed/.

Job Market Interviews

The AEA strongly recommends conducting initial job market interviews virtually, rather than at the ASSA Annual Meeting. We encourage you to make full use of the JOE Network for managing candidate profiles, job listings, and letters, as well as utilizing the application module, which includes a scheduling tool for interviews. The AEA will continue to offer Signaling and the Job Market Scramble. Additionally, the AEA Committee on the Job Market provides regular updates on job market conditions and has released guidance and a timeline for the 2024-25 economics job cycle. For more details and updates, visit AEA Job Market Communications.

EconTrack – the AEA Job Information Board

The AEA wants to help keep you informed! EconTrack is now open to provide job candidates with reliable information about the status of open positions during the annual job market cycle. This service is hosted by the AEA and is intended to provide verified and up-to-date information in a professional climate. We need your department’s participation to make it successful! Please encourage your recruiters and hiring teams to supply status information for open positions at your institution. Learn more at https://www.aeaweb.org/econtrack.

Don't Miss the Upcoming Workshop: “Interactive Listening Skills”

The one-hour workshop, scheduled for Tuesday, October 29 at 1:00 p.m. EST via Zoom, will be led by the Ombuds team at MWI. This workshop will help members raise their awareness of their listening skills, provide a practical framework for interactive listening, and apply it in a low-risk learning environment. To register for the workshop, visit https://mwi-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUud-yhqjkqGdJFHSCwQvt6PvhTEkXgkDem#/registration.

Follow the AEA on BlueSky and more!

Stay informed! Follow the AEA on BlueSky, X (formerly known as Twitter), and Facebook to learn about programs, services, resources, AEA committees, important member announcements, and upcoming deadlines. For a list of accounts to follow, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/social.