Other Student Resources
Places to learn more about economics
- Adam Smith Institute
- Art Diamond Web Log
- Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality
- Cafe Hayek (Don Boudreaux and Russ Roberts)
- Calculated Risk
- Capital Spectator (James Picerno)
- Chris Blattman
- Conversable Economist (Tim Taylor)
- Dear Economist & Undercover Economist (Tim Harford)
- Ed Dolan's Econ Blog
- Econbrowser (Menzie Chinn and James D. Hamilton)
- EconomicsUK (David Smith)
- Economic Principals (David Warsh)
- The Upshot (New York Times)
- EconLog (Arnold Kling, Bryan Caplan, and David Henderson)
- Environmental Economics
- Greg Mankiw's Blog
- The Grumpy Economist (John Cochrane)
- The Incidental Economist
- Liberty Street Economics
- Marginal Revolution (Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok)
- Market Design (Al Roth)
- Mises Economics Blog
- Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Steve Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz)
- Money Illusion
- Naked Capitalism
- Newmark's Door
- Offsetting Behavior
- Overcoming Bias (Robin Hansen)
- Policy Hub: Macroblog (David Altig)
- Real Time Economics (Wall Street Journal)
- World Bank
- AEA Research Highlights - interviews with authors published in AEA journals
- EconTalk - sponsored by The Library of Economics and Liberty
- Freakonomics - general audience
- The Inequality Podcast - a podcast on the causes and consequences of inequality and strategies to promote economic mobility, presented by the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality and Mobility
- The Policy Paycheck - a nonpartisan economic podcast that covers high-profile policy issues and is geared towards high-school seniors/entry-level listeners
- Vox Talks - policy emphasis
- Women in Economics - series from the St. Louis Fed
- The Work Goes On - an oral history of industrial relations and labor economics
Student Journals
- Berkeley Economic Review
- The Developing Economist
- ECONPress
- Issues in Political Economy
- Stanford Economic Review
- Student Economic Review
- Undergraduate Economic Review