
Showing 2,581-2,600 of 16,341 items.

Intermediary Asset Pricing

By Zhiguo He and Arvind Krishnamurthy

American Economic Review, April 2013

We model the dynamics of risk premia during crises in asset markets where the marginal investor is a financial intermediary. Intermediaries face an equity capital constraint. Risk premia rise when the constraint binds, reflecting the capital scarcity. T...

Did We Lose the War on Poverty?

[Symposium: Measuring Poverty]

By Dale W. Jorgenson

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1998

Official U.S. poverty statistics based on household income imply that the proportion of the U.S. population below the poverty level reached a minimum in 1973, giving rise to the widespread impression that the elimination of poverty is impossible. By contr...

A Year of Living Dangerously: The Management of the Financial Crisis in 2008

[Symposium: Financial Regulation after the Crisis]

By Vincent Reinhart

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2011

There are many reasons to regret the decision of U.S. financial authorities to insert the government into the resolution of the investment bank Bear Stearns in March 2008. The Federal Reserve's use of its discount window built up false hope of future resc...

Identifying the Disadvantaged: Official Poverty, Consumption Poverty, and the New Supplemental Poverty Measure

By Bruce D. Meyer and James X. Sullivan

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2012

We discuss poverty measurement, focusing on two alternatives to the current official measure: consumption poverty, and the Census Bureau's new Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) that was released for the first time last year. The SPM has advantages over ...

The Role of Boards of Directors in Corporate Governance: A Conceptual Framework and Survey

By Renee B. Adams, Benjamin E. Hermalin, and Michael S. Weisbach

Journal of Economic Literature, March 2010

This paper is a survey of the literature on boards of directors, with an emphasis on research done subsequent to the Benjamin E. Hermalin and Michael S. Weisbach (2003) survey. The two questions most asked about boards are what determines their makeup ...

The Economics of Spam

By Justin M. Rao and David H. Reiley

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2012

We estimate that American firms and consumers experience costs of almost $20 billion annually due to spam. Our figure is more conservative than the $50 billion figure often cited by other authors, and we also note that the figure would be much higher if i...

Strategic Policy Choice in State-Level Regulation: The EPA's Clean Power Plan

By James B. Bushnell, Stephen P. Holland, Jonathan E. Hughes, and Christopher R. Knittel

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2017

The EPA's Clean Power Plan sets goals for CO2 emissions rate reductions by 2030 that vary substantially across states. States can choose the regulatory mechanism they use and whether or not to join with other states in implementing their goals....