
Showing 5,421-5,440 of 16,352 items.

Information Percolation

By Darrell Duffie, Gaston Giroux, and Gustavo Manso

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2010

We study the "percolation" of information of common interest through a large market as agents encounter and reveal information to each other over time. We provide an explicit solution for the dynamics of the cross-sectional distribution of posterior be...

Mechanisms for Repeated Trade

By Andrzej Skrzypacz and Juuso Toikka

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2015

How does feasibility of efficient repeated trade depend on the features of the environment such as persistence of values, private information about their evolution, or trading frequency? We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for efficient, unsubs...

Sharp for SARP: Nonparametric Bounds on Counterfactual Demands

By Richard Blundell, Martin Browning, Laurens Cherchye, Ian Crawford, Bram De Rock, and Frederic Vermeulen

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2015

Sharp nonparametric bounds are derived for counterfactual demands and Hicksian compensating and equivalent variations. These "i-bounds" refine and extend earlier results of Blundell, Browning, and Crawford (2008). We show that their bounds are sharp under...

Markets: The U.S. Lodging Industry

By Arturs Kalnins

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2006

The U.S. lodging industry appears highly competitive. Ownership concentration appears to be low. Fixed costs are high relative to variable costs and unused rooms cannot be stored for future sale, so price-cutting should be attractive. However, this paper ...

Surprised by the Parimutuel Odds?

By Marco Ottaviani and Peter Norman Sørensen

American Economic Review, December 2009

Empirical analyses of parimutuel betting markets have documented that market probabilities of favorites (longshots) tend to underestimate (overestimate) the corresponding empirical probabilities. We argue that this favorite-longshot bias is consistent wit...

The Importance of Being Wanted

By Quy-Toan Do and Tung D. Phung

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, October 2010

We identify birth wantedness as a source of better child outcomes. In Vietnam, the year of birth is widely believed to determine success. As a result, cohorts born in auspicious years are 12 percent larger. Comparing siblings with one another, those of au...