
Showing 5,561-5,580 of 16,354 items.

Earnings Inequality and the Intersectionality of Gender and Ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Tanzanian Manufacturing

By Juliet U. Elu and Linda Loubert

American Economic Review, May 2013

This paper estimates quantile earnings functions with data from the 2004 Tanzanian Household Worker Survey to determine if ethnicity and gender--being female--matters per se and across the distribution of earnings. We find that in the Tanzanian manufactur...

Priced and Unpriced Online Markets

[Symposium: Internet Economics]

By Benjamin Edelman

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2009

Some online resources are free and others are not -- but it can be hard to predict which resources are in which category. In some cases, users are charged for things such as web-based e-mail, wireless Internet access, and software, while in other cases, t...

The Power of Focal Points Is Limited: Even Minute Payoff Asymmetry May Yield Large Coordination Failures

By Vincent P. Crawford, Uri Gneezy, and Yuval Rottenstreich

American Economic Review, September 2008

Since Schelling, it has often been assumed that players make use of salient decision labels to achieve coordination. Consistent with previous work, we find that given equal payoffs, salient labels yield frequent coordination. However, given even minute...

Legality and Market Reform in Soviet-Type Economies

[Symposium: Economic Transition in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe]

By John M. Litwack

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1991

The classical Soviet-type system operates in the virtual absence of economic legality, which is a prerequisite to a successful transition to a market economy in the Soviet Union and the nations of Eastern Europe. In the absence of economic legality, the l...

The Rich Domain of Uncertainty: Source Functions and Their Experimental Implementation

By Mohammed Abdellaoui, Aurélien Baillon, Laetitia Placido, and Peter P. Wakker

American Economic Review, April 2011

We often deal with uncertain events for which no probabilities are known. Several normative models have been proposed. Descriptive studies have usually been qualitative, or they estimated ambiguity aversion through one single number. This paper introduces...

Safety Traps

By Kenza Benhima and Baptiste Massenot

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, October 2013

Fear of risk provides a rationale for protracted economic downturns. We develop a real business cycle model where investors with decreasing relative risk aversion choose between a risky and a safe technology that exhibit decreasing returns. Because of ...

Controlling Automobile Insurance Costs

By J. David Cummins and Sharon Tennyson

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1992

We begin by providing an overview of the auto insurance system and the structure of the auto insurance market. We then turn to an analysis of the factors underlying the auto insurance price increases experienced in recent years. We find that the auto insu...