
Showing 7,301-7,320 of 16,357 items.

Aligned Delegation

By Alexander Frankel

American Economic Review, January 2014

A principal delegates multiple decisions to an agent, who has private information relevant to each decision. The principal is uncertain about the agent's preferences. I solve for max-min optimal mechanisms— those which maximize the principal's payoff...

Proposals to Restructure Social Security

[Symposium: Social security]

By Peter A. Diamond

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1996

This paper discusses five proposed changes in Social Security: indexing the normal retirement age to life expectancy (as Sweden is doing); investing part of the trust funds in private securities; partial privatization (as has been proposed by Senators Ker...

Facts and Myths about Refereeing

By Daniel S. Hamermesh

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1994

Referees' and editors' behavior is illustrated by data from a random sample of refereeing requests by seven economics journals. Referees tend to be higher-quality (better-cited, prime-age) than authors. Except for a few superstar authors, there is no matc...

Does Disability Insurance Receipt Discourage Work? Using Examiner Assignment to Estimate Causal Effects of SSDI Receipt

By Nicole Maestas, Kathleen J. Mullen, and Alexander Strand

American Economic Review, August 2013

We present the first causal estimates of the effect of Social Security Disability Insurance benefit receipt on labor supply using all program applicants. We use administrative data to match applications to disability examiners and exploit variation in ...

Modernizing Federal Economic Statistics

By William G. Bostic Jr., Ron S. Jarmin, and Brian Moyer

American Economic Review, May 2016

Official statistical data on the structure, evolution and performance of the U.S. economy are produced by a variety federal, state and local agencies. Much of the methodology, policy frameworks and infrastructure for U.S. economic measurement have been in...

Are Micro and Macro Labor Supply Elasticities Consistent? A Review of Evidence on the Intensive and Extensive Margins

By Raj Chetty, Adam Guren, Day Manoli, and Andrea Weber

American Economic Review, May 2011

We evaluate whether state-of-the-art macro models featuring indivisible labor are consistent with modern quasi-experimental micro evidence by synthesizing evidence on both the intensive and extensive margins. We find that micro estimates are consistent wi...

The Flypaper Effect

By James R. Hines and Richard H. Thaler

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1995

What happens to a state's spending when it receives an unconditional grant from the federal government? The standard theoretical analysis predicts that the increase in spending will be the same as that generated by an equivalent increase in local incomes-...

The Economic Effects of Climate Change

[Symposium: Climate Change]

By Richard S. J. Tol

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2009

I review the literature on the economic impacts of climate change, an externality that is unprecedentedly large, complex, and uncertain. Only 14 estimates of the total damage cost of climate change have been published, a research effort that is in sharp c...

Teachers' Views on No Child Left Behind: Support for the Principles, Concerns about the Practices

[Symposium: No Child Left Behind]

By Richard J. Murnane and John P. Papay

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2010

In this article, we describe teachers' views of the behavioral responses the No Child Left Behind legislation has elicited and the extent to which research reveals evidence of these responses and their effects on the distribution of student achievement. W...