
Showing 781-800 of 16,333 items.

Political Economy of Redistribution in the United States in the Aftermath of World War II--Evidence and Theory

By Roel Beetsma, Alex Cukierman, and Massimo Giuliodori

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2016

We present legislative, historical and statistical evidence of a substantial upward ratchet in transfers and taxes in the US due to World War II. This finding is explained within a political-economy framework with defense spending responding to a war thre...

The Behavioralist Goes to School: Leveraging Behavioral Economics to Improve Educational Performance

By Steven D. Levitt, John A. List, Susanne Neckermann, and Sally Sadoff

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2016

We explore the power of behavioral economics to influence the level of effort exerted by students in a low stakes testing environment. We find a substantial impact on test scores from incentives when the rewards are delivered immediately. There is suggest...

Estimating Marginal Returns to Education

By Pedro Carneiro, James J. Heckman, and Edward J. Vytlacil

American Economic Review, October 2011

This paper estimates marginal returns to college for individuals induced to enroll in college by different marginal policy changes. The recent instrumental variables literature seeks to estimate this parameter, but in general it does so only under strong ...

Competition and Truth in the Market for News

[Symposium: Economics of Persuasion]

By Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2008

In this essay, we evaluate the case for competition in news markets from the perspective of economics. First, we consider the simple proposition that when more points of view are heard and defended, beliefs will converge to the truth. This concept of "com...

Analyzing the Airwaves Auction

By R. Preston McAfee and John McMillan

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1996

The design of the Federal Communications Commission spectrum license auction is a case study in the application of economic theory. Auction theory helped address policy questions such as whether an open auction or a sealed-bid auction should be used; whet...

Prediction Markets

[Symposium: Event Markets]

By Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2004

We analyze the extent to which simple markets can be used to aggregate disperse information into efficient forecasts of uncertain future events. Drawing together data from a range of prediction contexts, we show that market-generated forecasts are typical...

The Impact of Disability Benefits on Labor Supply: Evidence from the VA's Disability Compensation Program

By David H. Autor, Mark Duggan, Kyle Greenberg, and David S. Lyle

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2016

Combining administrative data from the US Army, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Social Security Administration, we analyze the effect of the VA's Disability Compensation (DC) program on veterans' labor force participation and earnings. We study the 20...