
Showing 81-100 of 139 items.

Incentives and Unintended Consequences: Spillover Effects in Food Choice

By Manuela Angelucci, Silvia Prina, Heather Royer, and Anya Samek

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2019

Little is known about how peers influence the impact of incentives. We study how peers' actions and incentives can lead to peer spillover effects. Using a field experiment on snack choice in the school lunchroom (choice of grapes versus cookies), we rando...

The Differential Incidence and Severity of Food Insecurity by Racial, Ethnic, and Immigrant Groups over the Great Recession in the United States

By Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Hugo B. Jales, Judith Liu, and Norbert L. Wilson

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

We document the differences in food insecurity incidence and severity by race/ethnicity and immigrant status over the Great Recession. We show that the disadvantaged groups with a higher incidence of food insecurity do not necessarily have a higher severi...

New Evidence on Information Disclosure through Restaurant Hygiene Grading

By Daniel E. Ho, Zoe C. Ashwood, and Cassandra Handan-Nader

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2019

The case of restaurant hygiene grading occupies a central role in information disclosure scholarship. Comparing Los Angeles, which enacted grading in 1998, with California from 1995–1999, Jin and Leslie (2003) found that grading reduced foodborne illnes...