
Showing 10,481-10,500 of 16,349 items.

Voter Response to Peak and End Transfers: Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Experiment

By Sebastian Galiani, Nadya Hajj, Patrick J. McEwan, Pablo Ibarrarán, and Nandita Krishnaswamy

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2019

In a Honduran field experiment, sequences of cash transfers to poor households varied in amount of the largest (peak) and last (end) transfers. Larger peak-end transfers increased voter turnout and the incumbent party's vote share in the 2013 presidential...

Optimal Taxation with Risky Human Capital

By Marek Kapička and Julian Neira

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, October 2019

We study optimal tax policies in a life-cycle economy with permanent ability differences and risky human capital investments that have both an unobservable component, learning effort, and an observable component, schooling. The optimal policies balance re...

Is Personal Initiative Training a Substitute or Complement to the Existing Human Capital of Women? Results from a Randomized Trial in Togo

By Francisco Campos, Michael Frese, Markus Goldstein, Leonardo Iacovone, Hillary C. Johnson, David McKenzie, and Mona Mensmann

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

Personal initiative training—a psychology-based mindset training program—delivers lasting improvements for female business owners in Togo. Which types of women benefit most? Theories of dynamic complementarity would suggest training should work better...

Democratic Values and Institutions

By Timothy Besley and Torsten Persson

American Economic Review: Insights, June 2019

This paper builds a model of the two-way interaction between democratic values and institutions to bridge sociological research, focusing on values, with economics research, which studies strategic decisions. Some citizens hold values that make them prote...

Digital Economics

By Avi Goldfarb and Catherine Tucker

Journal of Economic Literature, March 2019

Digital technology is the representation of information in bits. This technology has reduced the cost of storage, computation, and transmission of data. Research on digital economics examines whether and how digital technology changes economic activity. I...

Caste and the Indian Economy

By Kaivan Munshi

Journal of Economic Literature, December 2019

Caste plays a role at every stage of an Indian's economic life, in school, university, the labor market, and into old age. The influence of caste extends beyond private economic activity into the public sphere, where caste politics determine access to p...

Partners in Crime

By Stephen B. Billings, David J. Deming, and Stephen L. Ross

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2019

Social interactions may explain the large variance in criminal activity across neighborhoods and time. We present direct evidence of social spillovers in crime using random variation in neighborhood residence along opposite sides of a newly drawn school b...

The Local Economic and Welfare Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing

By Alexander W. Bartik, Janet Currie, Michael Greenstone, and Christopher R. Knittel

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, October 2019

Exploiting geological variation and timing in the initiation of hydraulic fracturing, we find that fracking leads to sharp increases in oil and gas recovery and improvements in a wide set of economic indicators. There is also evidence of deterioration in ...

The Neighborhood Impacts of Local Infrastructure Investment: Evidence from Urban Mexico

By Craig McIntosh, Tito Alegría, Gerardo Ordóñez, and René Zenteno

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2018

This paper reports on the results of a large infrastructure investment experiment in which $68 million in spending was randomly allocated across a set of low-income urban neighborhoods in Mexico. We show that the program resulted in substantial improvemen...