
Showing 12,161-12,180 of 16,354 items.

Inattention and Switching Costs as Sources of Inertia in Medicare Part D

By Florian Heiss, Daniel McFadden, Joachim Winter, Amelie Wuppermann, and Bo Zhou

American Economic Review, September 2021

Consumers' health plan choices are highly persistent even though optimal plans change over time. This paper separates two sources of inertia, inattention to plan choice and switching costs. We develop a panel data model with separate attention and choice ...

The Risk-Adjusted Carbon Price

By Ton S. van den Bremer and Frederick van der Ploeg

American Economic Review, September 2021

The social cost of carbon is the expected present value of damages from emitting one ton of carbon today. We use perturbation theory to derive an approximate tractable expression for this cost adjusted for climatic and economic risk. We allow for differen...

Asymmetric Attention

By Alexandre N. Kohlhas and Ansgar Walther

American Economic Review, September 2021

We document that the expectations of households, firms, and professional forecasters in standard surveys simultaneously extrapolate from recent events and underreact to new information. Existing models of expectation formation, whether behavioral or ratio...

Justified Communication Equilibrium

By Daniel Clark and Drew Fudenberg

American Economic Review, September 2021

Justified communication equilibrium (JCE) is an equilibrium refinement for signaling games with cheap-talk communication. A strategy profile must be a JCE to be a stable outcome of nonequilibrium learning when receivers are initially trusting and senders ...