
Showing 1,201-1,220 of 16,338 items.

High-Dimensional Methods and Inference on Structural and Treatment Effects

[Symposium: Big Data]

By Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov, and Christian Hansen

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2014

Data with a large number of variables relative to the sample size—"high-dimensional data"—are readily available and increasingly common in empirical economics. High-dimensional data arise through a combination of two phenomena. First, the data may be ...

Eight Questions about Brain Drain

[Symposium: Emigration]

By John Gibson and David McKenzie

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2011

The term "brain drain" dominates popular discourse on high-skilled migration, and for this reason, we use it in this article. However, as Harry Johnson noted, it is a loaded phrase implying serious loss. It is far from clear that such a loss actually occu...

Economics in the Cyberclassroom

By Peter Navarro

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2000

The coming of the cyberclassroom may change almost everything we do in teaching economics. This article discusses the size and scope of the cybereconomics market; the range and mix of instructional technologies; course design, development, and content; cy...

Geography, Depreciation, and Growth

By Solomon M. Hsiang and Amir S. Jina

American Economic Review, May 2015

It has been proposed that geography influences economic growth for many reasons. Previous analyses of comparative development seem to have sidestepped the question of location-dependent depreciation. However the construction of new measures of tropical cy...

Empirical Evidence on Inflation Expectations in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve

By Sophocles Mavroeidis, Mikkel Plagborg-Møller, and James H. Stock

Journal of Economic Literature, March 2014

We review the main identification strategies and empirical evidence on the role of expectations in the New Keynesian Phillips curve, paying particular attention to the issue of weak identification. Our goal is to provide a clear understanding of the role ...

The Ecosystem Impacts of Severe Warming

By Robert Mendelsohn, Iain C. Prentice, Oswald Schmitz, Benjamin Stocker, Robert Buchkowski, and Benjamin Dawson

American Economic Review, May 2016

This paper uses a quantitative dynamic ecosystem vegetation model to explore the potential impact of warming up to 9-12 degrees C on global ecosystems. The paper does not find evidence of a global collapse in terrestrial ecosystems but there is evidence o...