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Datasets with Information on LGBTQ+ People for Students and Researchers in Economics


The Committee on the Status of LGBTQ+ Individuals (CSQIEP) has compiled a list of datasets that include information on sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Our focus in this effort was to identify large, representative, population-based datasets that are commonly used in economics research. [A companion effort for public health datasets can be found at] The goal of this effort is to provide a starting point for students and researchers interested in learning more about LGBTQ+ populations. This list is not meant to be comprehensive.

**This list was initially compiled by an advanced undergraduate, under the supervision of CSQIEP. We have tried to catch and fix major errors in the document, and we will continue to do so periodically. But neither AEA nor CSQIEP makes any claims about the completeness or accuracy of this list. We provide it as a public service to the economics community.**

We aim to update this list with additions and corrections at least annually. You can help us in this effort in two ways. First, inform us of omissions. If there is an existing dataset that has begun to ask questions about sexual orientation and/or gender identity, let us know so we can add it to the list. Second, inform us of corrections. If you work with the file and find that it is incorrect with respect to years of availability, data access options, or any other aspect, please let us know that as well. We will collect this information and post updates. You can send this information to CSQIEP Co-Chair Kitt Carpenter at: Thank you!