CSWEP LogoA standing committee of the American Economic Association since 1971, the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) serves professional women economists by monitoring their progress and promoting their careers. 

CSWEP first surveyed economics departments regarding the gender composition of faculty in 1972 and, since 1993, has surveyed some 250 departments annually.  Summaries and analysis are reported in the AEA Papers & Proceedings and reprinted in the CSWEP Annual Report.

The CSWEP Board, affiliates and CSWEP's Network of Liaisons to over 250 departments provide substantial public goods to the profession. CSWEP serves hundreds of economists annually through the internationally renowned CeMENT Mentoring Workshops for female junior faculty and the new Mentoring Breakfasts at the Annual AEA Meetings as well as through competitive-entry paper sessions, career development roundtables and panels at the Annual AEA Meetings and at the meetings of the five regional economics associations

To recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of women in economics, CSWEP awards the Carolyn Shaw Bell Award annually (for furthering the status of women in the economics profession) and the Elaine Bennett Research Prize biennially (for fundamental contributions to economics by a woman within seven years of receiving PhD). 

CSWEP also promotes increased awareness of the challenges unique to women’s careers.  CSWEP distributes information on professional opportunities, career development, and how the profession works, via free digital subscriptions to the CSWEP News, published four times a year. Most of this is of special interest to economists just establishing their careers, regardless of gender, race or ethnicity.

We maintain an annotated bibliography of literature on Women in the Economics Profession (from Donna Ginther and Janet Stefanov).

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Questions and press inquiries may be directed to the Committee Coordinator at info@cswep.org.