Energy Storage in Wholesale Electricity Markets: The Economics of a Paradigm Shift

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Justin Kirkpatrick
, Michigan State University

Soaking Up the Sun: Battery Investment, Renewable Energy, and Market Equilibrium

Andrew Butters
Indiana University
Jackson Dorsey
Indiana University
Gautam Gowrisankaran
University of Arizona

Spillovers from Ancillary Services to Wholesale Power Markets: Implications for Climate Policy

Jesse Buchsbaum
University of California-Berkeley
Catherine Hausman
University of Michigan
Johanna L. Mathieu
University of Michigan
Jing Peng
University of Michigan

Estimating Congestion Benefits of Batteries for Unobserved Networks: A Machine Learning Approach

Justin Kirkpatrick
Michigan State University

Market Dynamics in Cleaner Power Systems

Ömer Karaduman
Stanford University
Jing Li
Massachusetts Institute of Technology