American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

AER Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

The trade-offs of logging off

March 23, 2020
Would quitting Facebook result in a happier and less polarized society?
Research Highlights Article

Sickness and the city

March 18, 2020
Long after a cholera-ridden neighborhood in London was cured, it stayed relatively poor. Why?
Research Highlights Article

Helping moms be happier

March 13, 2020
Providing cognitive behavioral therapy to depressed new mothers yielded benefits seven years later.
Research Highlights Article

More testing is needed

January 27, 2020
The regulatory process for new medical technology is faster in Europe than the US. But which system benefits consumers the most?
Research Highlights Article

When the well runs dry

January 22, 2020
Small farmers are adapting to water loss by leaving the fields and working elsewhere.
Research Highlights Article

Carrying the scars of conflict

January 8, 2020
How does being exposed to violence as a child affect the behavior of asylum seekers in their new host country?
Research Highlights Article

The forces that unite and divide us

December 16, 2019
A more nuanced understanding of diversity can help explain why some nations are better at fostering a common identity.
Research Highlights Article

Doctor diversity matters

December 11, 2019
Having more black physicians could lead to better health among black men.
Research Highlights Article

Cutting off support

November 22, 2019
The AEA interviews Thiemo Fetzer about how austerity policies after the financial crisis led to Brexit.