American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

AER Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

Sticky wages and recessions

November 11, 2019
Unemployment in Indian villages was exacerbated when laborers resisted pay cuts during bad times.
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Staying put or moving on?

October 15, 2019
A housing law in San Francisco offers lessons for today’s rent-control debates.
Research Highlights Article

Leave no neighborhood behind

October 2, 2019
Funding formulas for charter schools should be tied to the cost of educating students.
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Coping without benefits

September 30, 2019
What happens to household spending when unemployment insurance dries up?
Research Highlights Article

Reshaping financial networks

September 23, 2019
Civil War-era legislation helped usher in a period of top-down banking panics. Are there lessons for today’s economies?
Research Highlights Article

Breaching the Great Firewall

September 4, 2019
What has censorship done to the Chinese public’s demand for politically sensitive news?
Featured Chart

Unbiased results

August 19, 2019
Many research fields are plagued with publication bias. A new statistical technique can help correct the problem.
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Paying for kidneys

August 14, 2019
What are the moral calculations people make when it comes to compensating organ donors?