
Showing 2,381-2,400 of 16,341 items.

Tenure Issues in Higher Education

[Symposium: The Economics of Higher Education]

By Michael S. McPherson and Morton Owen Schapiro

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1999

The system of academic tenure has come under increasing scrutiny. The authors provide a brief review of the tenure literature, discuss some recent tenure controversies, and present basic data on the percentage of faculty subject to the tenure system. The ...

Estimating the Effect of Student Aid on College Enrollment: Evidence from a Government Grant Policy Reform

By Helena Skyt Nielsen, Torben Sørensen, and Christopher Taber

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2010

In this paper, we estimate the response of college enrollment to changes in student aid arising from a Danish reform. We separately identify the effect of aid from that of other observed and unobserved variables such as parental income. We exploit the com...

Financial Control in the Transition from Classical Socialism to a Market Economy

[Symposium: Economic Transition in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe]

By Ronald I. McKinnon

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1991

The transition from socialism to capitalism poses severe problems of financial management that have yet to be resolved in principle, let alone in practice. One unfortunate consequence is continual financial turmoil as socialist economies of the Soviet Uni...

Matching with Contracts: Comment

By John William Hatfield and Fuhito Kojima

American Economic Review, June 2008

Hatfield and Milgrom (2005) present a unified model of matching with contracts phrased in terms of hospitals and doctors, which subsumes the standard two-sided matching and some package auction models. They show that a stable allocation exists if contract...

CONDI: A Cost-of-Nominal-Distortions Index

By Stefano Eusepi, Bart Hobijn, and Andrea Tambalotti

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, July 2011

We construct a PCE-based price index whose weights minimize the welfare costs of nominal distortions: a cost-of-nominal-distortions index. We compute these weights in a multi-sector New Keynesian model, calibrated to match US data on price stickiness, lab...

Trade Policy and Loss Aversion

By Caroline Freund and Caglar Ozden

American Economic Review, September 2008

We develop a political economy model where loss aversion and reference dependence are important in shaping people’s preferences over trade policy. The policy implications of the augmented model differ in three ways: there is a region of compensating pro...