
Showing 2,361-2,380 of 16,341 items.

Debt Constraints and the Labor Wedge

By Patrick Kehoe, Virgiliu Midrigan, and Elena Pastorino

American Economic Review, May 2016

Changes in household debt and employment across regions of the U.S. during the Great Recession are highly correlated: regions where the decrease in household debt was most pronounced were also regions where the decline in employment was most severe. We sh...

Taxing Consumption and Other Sins

[Symposium: U.S. Tax Policy in International Perspective]

By James R. Hines Jr.

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2007

Federal and state governments in the United States use income and payroll taxes as their primary tools to collect revenue. Relative to the United States, governments in the rest of the world rely much more heavily on taxing consumption. Heavy American rel...

Law and Finance "at the Origin"

By Ulrike Malmendier

Journal of Economic Literature, December 2009

What are the key determinants of financial development and growth? A large literature debates the relative importance of countries' legal and political environment. In this paper, I present evidence from ancient Rome, where an early form of shareholder ...

Purple America

[Symposium: Red and Blue States]

By Stephen Ansolabehere, Jonathan Rodden, and James M. Snyder Jr.

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2006

America, we are told, is a nation divided. The cartographers who draw up the maps of U.S. election results have branded a new division in American politics: Republican red versus Democratic blue. What is the source of this division? Most observers point n...

Derivative Assets Analysis

[Symposium: Arbitrage]

By Mark Rubinstein

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1987

Derivative assets analysis enjoys an unusual status; it is a recently developed, relatively complex tool of economic analysis, faithful to the core of economic theory, and widely used to make real-life decisions. This paper, discusses derivative assets ba...