
Showing 3,021-3,040 of 16,341 items.

A Model of Forum Shopping

By Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole

American Economic Review, September 2006

Owners of intellectual property or mere sponsors of an idea (e.g., authors, security issuers, sponsors of standards) resort to more or less independent certifiers to persuade potential users (buyers or adopters) of the worth of their property or idea. W...

Manipulability of Stable Mechanisms

By Peter Chen, Michael Egesdal, Marek Pycia, and M. Bumin Yenmez

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2016

We study the manipulability of stable matching mechanisms and show that manipulability comparisons are equivalent to preference comparisons: for any agent, a mechanism is more manipulable than another if and only if this agent prefers the latter to the...