
Showing 4,881-4,900 of 16,352 items.

The Evolution of Medical Spending Risk

[Symposium: Household Risks]

By Jonathan Gruber and Helen Levy

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2009

How has the economic risk of health spending changed over time for U.S. households? We describe trends in aggregate health spending in the United States and how private insurance markets and public insurance programs have changed over time. We then presen...

Pay for Percentile

By Gadi Barlevy and Derek Neal

American Economic Review, August 2012

We propose an incentive scheme for educators that links compensation to the ranks of their students within comparison sets. Under certain conditions, this scheme induces teachers to allocate socially optimal levels of effort. Moreover, because this scheme...

In Defense of the NSF Economics Program

[Symposium: NSF Funding for Economists]

By Robert A. Moffitt

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2016

The NSF Economics program funds basic research in economics across all its disparate fields. Its budget has experienced a long period of stagnation and decline, with its real value in 2013 below that in 1980 and having declined by 50 percent as a percent ...

Nation Building and Economic Growth

By Ellyn Creasey, Ahmed S. Rahman, and Katherine A. Smith

American Economic Review, May 2012

Over the past half-century there have been over three hundred instances of nation building initiatives, episodes where countries jointly give military and economic aid to a country embroiled in conflict. Despite the prevalence and expense of this foreign...

Shifts in Privacy Concerns

By Avi Goldfarb and Catherine Tucker

American Economic Review, May 2012

This paper explores how digitization and the associated use of customer data have affected the evolution of consumer privacy concerns. We measure privacy concerns by reluctance to disclose income in an online marketing research survey. Using over three mi...

On the Economics of State Lotteries

By Charles T. Clotfelter and Philip J. Cook

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1990

This article examines several aspects of the economics of state lotteries, focusing primarily on the demand for lottery products. We begin by giving a descriptive overview. The succeeding sections examine the motivations for playing lottery games and evid...

Experimentation at Scale

[Symposium: From Experiments to Economic Policy]

By Karthik Muralidharan and Paul Niehaus

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2017

This paper makes the case for greater use of randomized experiments "at scale." We review various critiques of experimental program evaluation in developing countries, and discuss how experimenting at scale along three specific dimensions—the size o...

Menu Pricing and Learning

By Alessandro Bonatti

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2011

We analyze the design of dynamic menus to sell experience goods. The quality of the product is initially unknown, and the total quantity sold in each period determines the amount of information in the market. We characterize the optimum menu as a function...