
Showing 4,941-4,960 of 16,352 items.

The Core Matchings of Markets with Transfers

By Christopher P. Chambers and Federico Echenique

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2015

We characterize the structure of the set of core matchings of an assignment game (a two-sided market with transfers). Such a set satisfies a property we call consistency. Consistency of a set of matchings states that, for any matching v, if, for each agen...

Markets: The Credit Rating Agencies

By Lawrence J. White

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2010

This paper will explore how the financial regulatory structure propelled three credit rating agencies -- Moody's, Standard & Poor's (S&P), and Fitch -- to the center of the U.S. bond markets -- and thereby virtually guaranteed that when these rating agenc...

People Flows in Globalization

By Richard B. Freeman

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2006

The policy debate over globalization in the past decade has largely bypassed the international mobility of labor. Restrict trade and cries of protectionism resound. Suggest linking labor standards to trade and it's protectionism in disguise. Limit capital...