
Showing 6,341-6,360 of 16,354 items.

Rents, Technical Change, and Risk Premia Accounting for Secular Trends in Interest Rates, Returns on Capital, Earning Yields, and Factor Shares

By Ricardo J. Caballero, Emmanuel Farhi, and Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas

American Economic Review, May 2017

The secular decline in safe interest rates since the early 1980s has been the subject of considerable attention. In this short paper, we argue that it is important to consider the evolution of safe real rates in conjunction with three other first-order ma...

Mentoring and Diversity

By Susan Athey, Christopher Avery, and Peter Zemsky

American Economic Review, September 2000

We study how diversity evolves at a firm with entry-level and upper-level employees who vary in ability and "type" (gender or ethnicity). The ability of entry-level employees is increased by mentoring. An employ receives more mentoring when more upper-lev...

House Prices and Marital Stability

By Martin Farnham, Lucie Schmidt, and Purvi Sevak

American Economic Review, May 2011

We investigate the effect of house price changes on divorce using data for 1991-2010 from the Current Population Survey and the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Our findings suggest that changing house prices significantly affect the share of a cohort that...

Exporter Dynamics and Partial-Year Effects

By Andrew B. Bernard, Esther Ann Boler, Renzo Massari, Jose-Daniel Reyes, and Daria Taglioni

American Economic Review, October 2017

Two identical firms who start exporting in different months, one each in January and December, will report dramatically different exports for the first calendar year. This partial-year effect biases down first-year export levels and biases up first-year e...

Tenure in Office and Public Procurement

By Decio Coviello and Stefano Gagliarducci

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2017

We study the impact of politicians' tenure in office on the outcomes of public procurement using a dataset on Italian municipal governments. To identify a causal relation, we first compare elections where the incumbent mayor barely won or barely lost anot...

Social Learning with Coarse Inference

By Antonio Guarino and Philippe Jehiel

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2013

We study social learning by boundedly rational agents. Agents take a decision in sequence, after observing their predecessors and a private signal. They are unable to make perfect inferences from their predecessors' decisions: they only understand the r...

Subsidizing Vocational Training for Disadvantaged Youth in Colombia: Evidence from a Randomized Trial

By Orazio Attanasio, Adriana Kugler, and Costas Meghir

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2011

This paper evaluates the impact of a randomized training program for disadvantaged youth introduced in Colombia in 2005. This randomized trial offers a unique opportunity to examine the impact of training in a middle income country. We use originally coll...

Promise and Pitfalls in the Use of "Secondary" Data-Sets: Income Inequality in OECD Countries As a Case Study

By Anthony B. Atkinson and Andrea Brandolini

Journal of Economic Literature, September 2001

This paper examines the role of secondary data-sets in empirical economic research, taking the field of income distribution as a case study. We illustrate problems faced by users of "secondary" statistics, showing how both cross-country comparisons and ti...