
Showing 6,421-6,440 of 16,354 items.

Medicaid Insurance in Old Age

By Mariacristina De Nardi, Eric French, and John Bailey Jones

American Economic Review, November 2016

The old age provisions of the Medicaid program were designed to insure retirees against medical expenses. We estimate a structural model of savings and medical spending and use it to compute the distribution of lifetime Medicaid transfers and Medicaid val...

Trade and the Global Recession

By Jonathan Eaton, Samuel Kortum, Brent Neiman, and John Romalis

American Economic Review, November 2016

We develop a dynamic multicountry general equilibrium model to investigate forces acting on the global economy during the Great Recession and ensuing recovery. Our multisector framework accounts completely for countries' trade, investment, production, and...

Truth in Consequentiality: Theory and Field Evidence on Discrete Choice Experiments

By Christian A. Vossler, Maurice Doyon, and Daniel Rondeau

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2012

This paper explores methodological issues surrounding the use of discrete choice experiments to elicit values for public goods. We develop an explicit game theoretic model of individual decisions, providing conditions under which surveys with a single bi...

The Lengthening of Childhood

[Symposium: Investment in Children]

By David Deming and Susan Dynarski

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2008

Over the past 40 years, the age at which children enter first grade has slowly drifted upward. In the fall of 1968, 96 percent of six-year-old children were enrolled in first grade or above. By 2005, the proportion had dropped to 84 percent, mainly becaus...

Time Allocation and Task Juggling

By Decio Coviello, Andrea Ichino, and Nicola Persico

American Economic Review, February 2014

A single worker allocates her time among different projects which are progressively assigned. When the worker works on too many projects at the same time, the output rate decreases and completion time increases according to a law which we derive. We call...