
Showing 6,981-7,000 of 16,357 items.

When Safe Proved Risky: Commercial Paper during the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009

[Symposium: Financial Plumbing]

By Marcin Kacperczyk and Philipp Schnabl

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2010

Commercial paper is a short-term debt instrument issued by large corporations. The commercial paper market has long been viewed as a bastion of high liquidity and low risk. But twice during the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the commercial paper market ne...

Financing Experimentation

By Mikhail Drugov and Rocco Macchiavello

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2014

Entrepreneurs must experiment to learn how good they are at a new activity. What happens when the experimentation is financed by a lender? Under common scenarios, i.e., when there is the opportunity to learn by "starting small" or when "noncompete" claus...

Extension Rules or What Would the Sage Do?

By Ehud Lehrer and Roee Teper

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2014

Quite often, decision makers face choices that involve new aspects and alternatives never considered before. Scenarios of this sort may arise, for instance, as a result of technological progress or from individual circumstances such as growing awareness. ...