
Showing 6,881-6,900 of 16,355 items.

The Frontier of Telecommunications Deregulation: Small Countries Leading the Pack

[Symposium: Telecommunications Deregulation Around The World]

By Pablo T. Spiller and Carlo G. Cardilli

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1997

Interconnection, equal access, unbundling, and industry structure are four key determinants of facilities-based competition in telecommunications. Using these building blocks, this paper analyzes the differences in telecommunications regulatory regimes in...

The Impact of Social Ties on Group Interactions: Evidence from Minimal Groups and Randomly Assigned Real Groups

By Lorenz Goette, David Huffman, and Stephan Meier

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2012

Economists are increasingly interested in how group membership affects individual behavior. The standard method assigns individuals to "minimal" groups, i.e. arbitrary labels, in a lab. But real group often involve social interactions leading to social ti...

Trade, Domestic Frictions, and Scale Effects

By Natalia Ramondo, Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, and Milagro Saborío-Rodríguez

American Economic Review, October 2016

Because of scale effects, idea-based growth models imply that larger countries should be much richer than smaller ones. New trade models share the same counterfactual feature. In fact, new trade models exhibit other counterfactual implications associated ...

Corporate Governance Reforms in Continental Europe

[Symposium: New Rules for Corporate Governance]

By Luca Enriques and Paolo Volpin

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2007

The fundamental problem of corporate governance in the United States is to alleviate the conflict of interest between dispersed small shareowners and powerful controlling managers. The fundamental corporate governance in continental Europe and in most of ...