
Showing 6,841-6,860 of 16,355 items.

Evaluating Microfoundations for Aggregate Price Rigidities: Evidence from Matched Firm-Level Data on Product Prices and Unit Labor Cost

By Mikael Carlsson and Oskar Nordström Skans

American Economic Review, June 2012

Using matched data on product-level prices and the producing firm's unit labor cost, we find a moderate pass-through of current idiosyncratic marginal-cost changes. Also, the response does not vary across firms facing very different idiosyncratic shock v...

Unintended Effects of Anonymous Résumés

By Luc Behaghel, Bruno Crépon, and Thomas Le Barbanchon

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2015

We evaluate an experimental program in which the French public employment service anonymized résumés for firms that were hiring. Firms were free to participate or not; participating firms were then randomly assigned to receive either anonymous résumés...

Comment on Poirier: Dogma or Doubt?

By Adrian Pagan

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1988

[This paper responds to "Frequentist and Subjectivist Perspectives on the Problems of Model Building in Economics," by Dale J. Poirier, in this same issue.] Poirier appeals to the latent statistician that he hopes is lurking behind every economist. Like a...

Detecting Discrimination

[Symposium: Discrimination in Product, Credit and Labor Markets]

By James J. Heckman

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1998

The evidence on discrimination produced from the audit method is examined. Audits survey the average firm and not the marginal firm which determines the level of market discrimination. Taken on its own terms, there is little evidence of labor market discr...

The Community College: Educating Students at the Margin between College and Work

[Symposium: The Economics of Higher Education]

By Thomas J. Kane and Cecilia Elena Rouse

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1999

The authors provide background on the history and development of community colleges in the United States in the last half century and survey available evidence on the impacts of community colleges on educational attainment and earnings. They also weigh th...