
Showing 6,741-6,760 of 16,355 items.

Speculative Prices and Popular Models

[Symposium: Bubbles]

By Robert J. Shiller

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1990

The key idea of rational expectations models is to assume that people know (or behave as if they know) the true model that describes the economy. However, popular economic models (the models that are used by the broad masses of economic actors to form the...

The Single Transferable Vote

[Symposium: Economics of Voting]

By Nicolaus Tideman

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1995

The single transferable vote (STV) is a family of vote-counting procedures that use voters' rankings of candidates as input and achieve proportional representation. This paper compares STV with other types of voting procedures and discusses the history of...

The Resurgence of Growth in the Late 1990s: Is Information Technology the Story?

[Symposium: Computers and Productivity]

By Stephen D. Oliner and Daniel E. Sichel

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2000

The growth of U.S. labor productivity rebounded in the second half of the 1990s, after nearly a quarter century of sluggish gains. We assess the contribution of information technology to this rebound, using the same neoclassical framework as in our earlie...

The Importance of School Systems: Evidence from International Differences in Student Achievement

[Symposium: Schools and Accountability]

By Ludger Woessmann

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2016

Students in some countries do far better on international achievement tests than students in other countries. Is this all due to differences in what students bring with them to school--socioeconomic background, cultural factors, and the like? Or do school...

Calorie Posting in Chain Restaurants

By Bryan Bollinger, Phillip Leslie, and Alan Sorensen

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, February 2011

We study the impact of mandatory calorie posting on consumers' purchase decisions using detailed data from Starbucks. We find that average calories per transaction fall by 6 percent. The effect is almost entirely related to changes in consumers' food choi...

The Effect of Shift Structure on Performance

By Tanguy Brachet, Guy David, and Andrea M. Drechsler

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2012

The effect of shift structure on worker performance and productivity is of increasing interest to firms and regulatory bodies. Using approximately 743,000 emergency medical incidents attended by 2,381 paramedics in Mississippi, we evaluate the extent that...

Skill Dispersion and Trade Flows

By Matilde Bombardini, Giovanni Gallipoli, and Germán Pupato

American Economic Review, August 2012

Is skill dispersion a source of comparative advantage? In this paper we use microdata from the International Adult Literacy Survey to show that the effect of skill dispersion on trade flows is quantitatively similar to that of the aggregate endowment of h...

Indirect Effects of a Policy Altering Criminal Behavior: Evidence from the Italian Prison Experiment

By Francesco Drago and Roberto Galbiati

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2012

We exploit the 2006 Italian prison pardon to evaluate peer effects in criminal behavior. The pardon randomly commutes actual sentences to expected sentences for 40 percent of the Italian prison population. Using prison and geographical origin to construct...