
Showing 6,821-6,840 of 16,355 items.

Superfund Cleanups and Infant Health

By Janet Currie, Michael Greenstone, and Enrico Moretti

American Economic Review, May 2011

We are the first to examine the effect of Superfund cleanups on infant health rather than focusing on proximity to a site. We study singleton births to mothers residing within 5km of a Superfund site between 1989-2003 in five large states. Our "difference...

Importing Skill-Biased Technology

By Ariel Burstein, Javier Cravino, and Jonathan Vogel

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2013

The production of capital equipment is concentrated among a small group of countries, and many countries import a large share of their equipment. If capital-skill complementarity is an important feature of technology, international trade may have impor...

Economists and the Media

[Symposium: Economists as Policy Advocates]

By Michael Weinstein

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1992

When my colleagues at The New York Times use the word "academic," they intend no compliment; they mean irrelevant. And when my former colleagues in the academy describe someone's work as "journalistic," they invariably mean shallow. One way to frame discu...

Spatial Development

By Klaus Desmet and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg

American Economic Review, April 2014

We present a theory of spatial development. Manufacturing and services firms located in a continuous geographic area choose each period how much to innovate. Firms trade subject to transport costs and technology diffuses spatially. We apply the model t...