
Showing 7,721-7,740 of 16,357 items.

Recessions, Older Workers, and Longevity: How Long Are Recessions Good for Your Health?

By Courtney C. Coile, Phillip B. Levine, and Robin McKnight

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2014

Although past research has found that recessions reduce contemporaneous mortality, workers nearing retirement age may experience reduced longevity attributable to lengthy unemployment spells and lost health insurance at a particularly vulnerable time. To ...

The Macroeconomist as Scientist and Engineer

[Symposium: Macroeconomic Lessons]

By N. Gregory Mankiw

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2006

The subfield of macroeconomics was born, not as a science, but more as a type of engineering. The problem that gave birth to our field was the Great Depression. God put macroeconomists on earth not to propose and test elegant theories but to solve practic...

Forensic Finance

By Jay R. Ritter

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2008

During popular prime-time television shows, forensic investigators use specialized but wide-ranging scientific knowledge of chemical trace evidence, bacteria, DNA, teeth, insects, and other specialties to collect and sift evidence of possible crimes. In e...

Government Failures in Development

[Symposium: The State and Economic Development]

By Anne O. Krueger

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1990

By the 1970s and early 1980s, governments in most developing countries were mired down in economic policies that were manifestly unworkable. Whether market failures had been present or not, most knowledgeable observers concluded that there had been coloss...