
Showing 7,621-7,640 of 16,357 items.

Variable Trends in Economic Time Series

By James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1988

The two most striking historical features of aggregate output are its sustained long run growth and its recurrent fluctuations around this growth path. Over horizons of a few years, these shorter cyclical swings can be pronounced; for example, the 1953, 1...

Making Famine History

By Cormac Ó Gráda

Journal of Economic Literature, March 2007

This paper reviews recent contributions to the economics and economic history of famine. It provides a context for the history of famine in the twentieth century, which is unique. During the century, war and totalitarianism produced more famine deaths ...

Inflation-Gap Persistence in the US

By Timothy Cogley, Giorgio E. Primiceri, and Thomas J. Sargent

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2010

We estimate vector autoregressions with drifting coefficients and stochastic volatility to investigate whether US inflation persistence has changed. We focus on the inflation gap, defined as the difference between inflation and trend inflation, and we mea...

Early-Life Malaria Exposure and Adult Outcomes: Evidence from Malaria Eradication in India

By David Cutler, Winnie Fung, Michael Kremer, Monica Singhal, and Tom Vogl

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2010

We examine the effects of exposure to malaria in early childhood on educational attainment and economic status in adulthood by exploiting geographic variation in malaria prevalence in India prior to a nationwide eradication program in the 1950s. We fin...

Credit Supply and Monetary Policy: Identifying the Bank Balance-Sheet Channel with Loan Applications

By Gabriel Jiménez, Steven Ongena, José-Luis Peydró, and Jesús Saurina

American Economic Review, August 2012

We analyze the impact of monetary policy on the supply of bank credit. Monetary policy affects both loan supply and demand, thus making identification a steep challenge. We therefore analyze a novel, supervisory dataset with loan applications from Spain. ...

Street Prostitution Zones and Crime

By Paul Bisschop, Stephen Kastoryano, and Bas van der Klaauw

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2017

This paper studies the effects of legal street prostitution zones on registered and perceived crime. We exploit a unique setting in the Netherlands where these tippelzones were opened in nine cities under different regulation systems. Our difference-in-di...