
Showing 7,601-7,620 of 16,357 items.

Insuring Long-Term Care in the United States

[Symposium: After Retirement]

By Jeffrey R. Brown and Amy Finkelstein

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2011

Long-term care expenditures constitute one of the largest uninsured financial risks facing the elderly in the United States and thus play a central role in determining the retirement security of elderly Americans. In this essay, we begin by providing some...

Savings Constraints and Microenterprise Development: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Kenya

By Pascaline Dupas and Jonathan Robinson

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2013

Does limited access to formal savings services impede business growth in poor countries? To shed light on this question, we randomized access to noninterest-bearing bank accounts among two types of self-employed individuals in rural Kenya: market vendors...

Wall Street and the Housing Bubble

By Ing-Haw Cheng, Sahil Raina, and Wei Xiong

American Economic Review, September 2014

We analyze whether mid-level managers in securitized finance were aware of a large-scale housing bubble and a looming crisis in 2004-2006 using their personal home transaction data. We find that the average person in our sample neither timed the market no...

FDICIA after Five Years

By George J. Benston and George G. Kaufman

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1997

At year-end 1991, Congress enacted fundamental deposit insurance reform for banks and thrifts--the FDIC Improvement Act. This reform followed the failure of more than 2,000 depository institutions in the 1980s. Many failed because the incentive incompatib...

Identification and Asymptotic Approximations: Three Examples of Progress in Econometric Theory

[Symposium: Recent Ideas in Econometrics]

By James L. Powell

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2017

In empirical economics, the size and quality of datasets and computational power has grown substantially, along with the size and complexity of the econometric models and the population parameters of interest. With more and better data, it is natural to...

Theory, Experiment and Economics

By Vernon L. Smith

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1989

It is now over thirty years since research was initiated in the laboratory experimental study of market behavior and performance. This essay provides my interpretation of what the implications of this type of work are for the study of economics.

Citizenship, Fertility, and Parental Investments

By Ciro Avitabile, Irma Clots-Figueras, and Paolo Masella

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, October 2014

Citizenship rights are associated with better economic opportunities for immigrants. This paper studies how in a country with a large fraction of temporary migrants the fertility decisions of foreign citizens respond to a change in the rules that regul...

STEM Training and Early Career Outcomes of Female and Male Graduate Students: Evidence from UMETRICS Data Linked to the 2010 Census

By Catherine Buffington, Benjamin Cerf, Christina Jones, and Bruce A. Weinberg

American Economic Review, May 2016

Women are underrepresented in science and engineering, with the underrepresentation increasing in career stage. We analyze gender differences at critical junctures in the STEM pathway--graduate training and the early career--using UMETRICS administrative ...