
Showing 8,281-8,300 of 16,356 items.

Superstar Cities

By Joseph Gyourko, Christopher Mayer, and Todd Sinai

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2013

We document large long-run differences in average house price appreciation across metropolitan areas over the past 50 years, and show they can be explained by an inelastic supply of land in some unique locations combined with an increasing number of hi...

The Demand for Food of Poor Urban Mexican Households: Understanding Policy Impacts Using Structural Models

By Manuela Angelucci and Orazio Attanasio

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, February 2013

We use Oportunidades, a conditional cash transfer to women, to show that standard demand models do not represent the sample's behavior: Oportunidades increases eligible households' food budget shares, despite food being a necessity; demand for food and...

The Changing Incidence of Geography

By James E. Anderson and Yoto V. Yotov

American Economic Review, December 2010

The incidence of bilateral trade costs is calculated here using neglected properties of the structural gravity model, disaggregated by commodity and region, and re-aggregated into forms useful for economic geography. For Canada's provinces, 1992-2003, sel...

Naked Exclusion with Private Offers

By Jeanine Miklós-Thal and Greg Shaffer

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2016

We consider a seller's ability to deter potential entrants by offering exclusive contracts to downstream buyers. Previous literature has shown that this can be a profitable strategy if there is a coordination failure on the part of the buyers or if the se...

A Theory of Political Transitions

By Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson

American Economic Review, September 2001

We develop a theory of political transitions inspired by the experiences of Western Europe and Latin America. Nondemocratic societies are controlled by a rich elite. The initially disenfranchised poor can contest power by threatening revolution, especiall...

Sticky-Price Models and Durable Goods

By Robert B. Barsky, Christopher L. House, and Miles S. Kimball

American Economic Review, June 2007

The inclusion of a durable goods sector in sticky-price models has strong and unexpected implications. Even if most prices are flexible, a small durable goods sector with sticky prices may be sufficient to make aggregate output react to monetary policy as...

Some Economics of Trade Secret Law

[Symposium: Intellectual Property]

By David D. Friedman, William M. Landes, and Richard A. Posner

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1991

Despite the practical importance of trade secrets to the business community, the law of trade secrets is a neglected orphan in economic analysis. This paper sketches an approach to the economics of trade secret law that connects it more closely both to ot...

European Telecommunications Markets on the Verge of Full Liberalization

[Symposium: Telecommunications Deregulation Around The World]

By Leonard Waverman and Esen Sirel

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1997

January 1, 1998 is the date when voice telephony is fully liberalized in most European countries. The process of privatization and liberalization has been uneven across Europe; actively embraced by countries such as the U. K., Sweden, and Finland, while o...