
Showing 8,401-8,420 of 16,416 items.

The IMF's Unmet Challenges

[Symposium: The Bretton Woods Institutions]

By Barry Eichengreen and Ngaire Woods

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2016

The International Monetary Fund is a controversial institution whose interventions regularly provoke passionate reactions. We will argue that there is an important role for the IMF in helping to solve information, commitment, and coordination problems wit...

Investor Sentiment in the Stock Market

[Symposium: Behavioral Finance]

By Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2007

Investor sentiment, defined broadly, is a belief about future cash flows and investment risks that is not justified by the facts at hand. The question is no longer whether investor sentiment affects stock prices, but how to measure investor sentiment and ...

Face Value

By Catherine C. Eckel and Ragan Petrie

American Economic Review, June 2011

People pay attention to the appearance of others, and personal characteristics can affect many types of decisions. We ask, is there informational value in a face in a situation where trust and reciprocity can increase earnings? We use a laboratory trust g...

Is Gifted Education a Bright Idea? Assessing the Impact of Gifted and Talented Programs on Students

By Sa A. Bui, Steven G. Craig, and Scott A. Imberman

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2014

We evaluate the impact of Gifted and Talented (GT) programs on students through a regression discontinuity (RD) design, and by analyzing a randomized lottery for elite magnet GT schools. We show that GT students in each analysis are exposed to higher achi...

Is a Donor in Hand Better Than Two in the Bush? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment

By Craig E. Landry, Andreas Lange, John A. List, Michael K. Price, and Nicholas G. Rupp

American Economic Review, June 2010

This study examines why people initially give to charities, why they remain committed to the cause, and what factors attenuate these influences. Using an experimental design that links donations across distinct treatments separated in time, we present sev...