
Showing 8,521-8,540 of 16,356 items.

Pandering to Persuade

By Yeon-Koo Che, Wouter Dessein, and Navin Kartik

American Economic Review, February 2013

An agent advises a principal on selecting one of multiple projects or an outside option. The agent is privately informed about the projects' benefits and shares the principal's preferences except for not internalizing her value from the outside option. ...


By Xavier Vives, Jens Barmbold, Reiner Eichenberger, Ulrich Bindseil, Bruno S. Frey, and Justus Haucap

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1995

Correspondence and responses regarding American and European Economists The Economic Case against Higher Alcohol Taxes

Academic Undermatching of High-Achieving Minority Students: Evidence from Race-Neutral and Holistic Admissions Policies

By Sandra E. Black, Kalena E. Cortes, and Jane Arnold Lincove

American Economic Review, May 2015

College is a pathway to social mobility in the United States. Yet too often high-achieving students from low-income and minorities families fail to apply to selective postsecondary institutions. Our study examines the extent to which academic undermatchin...

The Welfare Effects of Coordinated Assignment: Evidence from the New York City High School Match

By Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Nikhil Agarwal, and Parag A. Pathak

American Economic Review, December 2017

Coordinated single-offer school assignment systems are a popular education reform. We show that uncoordinated offers in NYC's school assignment mechanism generated mismatches. One-third of applicants were unassigned after the main round and later administ...

The Design and Price of Information

By Dirk Bergemann, Alessandro Bonatti, and Alex Smolin

American Economic Review, January 2018

A data buyer faces a decision problem under uncertainty. He can augment his initial private information with supplemental data from a data seller. His willingness to pay for supplemental data is determined by the quality of his initial private information...