
Showing 8,561-8,580 of 16,416 items.

Rethinking Federalism

[Symposium: Fiscal Federalism]

By Robert P. Inman and Daniel L. Rubinfeld

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1997

The appropriate federal structure of government is now a policy issue of major debate. This paper identifies three approaches and compares their strengths and weaknesses. Economic federalism recommends the use of competitive communities for the provision ...

Job Search Behavior over the Business Cycle

By Toshihiko Mukoyama, Christina Patterson, and Ayşegül Şahin

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2018

We create a novel measure of job search effort exploiting the American Time Use and Current Population Surveys. We examine the cyclicality of search effort using time-series, cross-state, and individual variation and find that it is countercyclical. We th...

Misallocation and Growth

By Boyan Jovanovic

American Economic Review, April 2014

This paper models growth via on-the-job learning when firms and workers are heterogeneous. It is an overlapping generations model in which young agents match with the old. More efficient assignments lead to faster long-run growth, more inequality, and ...

New Estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life Using Air Bag Regulations as a Quasi-experiment

By Chris Rohlfs, Ryan Sullivan, and Thomas Kniesner

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, February 2015

Due to federal regulations, automobile air bag availability was a model-specific discontinuous function of model year for used vehicles in the 1990s and early 2000s. We use the discontinuities and the gradual increase in the supply of air bags to trace ou...

Tax Changes and Asset Pricing

By Clemens Sialm

American Economic Review, September 2009

The tax burden on equity securities has varied substantially over time and remains a source of continuing policy debate. This paper investigates whether investors were compensated for the tax burden of equity securities over the period between 1913 and...

The Next Generation of the Penn World Table

By Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar, and Marcel P. Timmer

American Economic Review, October 2015

We describe the theory and practice of real GDP comparisons across countries and over time. Version 8 of the Penn World Table expands on previous versions in three respects. First, in addition to comparisons of living standards using components of real GD...