
Showing 9,001-9,020 of 16,356 items.

Multiple Activities in Networks

By Ying-Ju Chen, Yves Zenou, and Junjie Zhou

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2018

We consider a network model where individuals exert efforts in two types of activities that are interdependent. These activities can be either substitutes or complements. We provide a full characterization of the Nash equilibrium of this game for any netw...

When to Confront: The Role of Patience

By Alvaro Sandroni and Can Urgun

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2018

This paper examines the effects of patience on ordinary conflicts such as divorce, price wars and commercial litigation. Players optimally decide when, if ever, to start a destructive confrontation. In the unique equilibrium, there is a tight connection b...

Why Voting? A Welfare Analysis

By Moritz Drexl and Andreas Kleiner

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2018

This article studies costly signaling. The signaling effort is chosen in multiple periods and observed with noise. The signaler benefits from the belief of the market, not directly from the effort or the signal. Optimal signaling behavior in time-varying ...

Consumer Valuation of Fuel Costs and Tax Policy: Evidence from the European Car Market

By Laura Grigolon, Mathias Reynaert, and Frank Verboven

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2018

To what extent do car buyers undervalue future fuel costs, and what does this imply for tax policy? To address both questions, we show it is crucial to account for consumer mileage heterogeneity. We use product-level data for a panel of European countries...