
Showing 9,081-9,100 of 16,356 items.

From Selling Goods to Selling Services: Firm Responses to Trade Liberalization

By Holger Breinlich, Anson Soderbery, and Greg C. Wright

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2018

In this paper we focus on a new channel of adaptation to trade liberalization, namely the shift toward increased provision of services in lieu of goods production. We exploit variation in European Union trade policy to show that lower manufacturing tariff...

A Dynamic Model of Housing Supply

By Alvin Murphy

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2018

This paper estimates a dynamic microeconometric model of housing supply. The model features forward-looking landowners who optimally choose both the timing and the nature of construction while taking into account expectations about future prices and costs...

The Persistent Effects of Place-Based Policy: Evidence from the West-German Zonenrandgebiet

By Maximilian v. Ehrlich and Tobias Seidel

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2018

Using a natural experiment, we show that temporary place-based subsidies generate persistent effects on economic density. The spatial regression discontinuity design controls for continuous local agglomeration externalities, so we attribute an important r...