
Showing 961-980 of 16,337 items.

A Retrospective Look at Rescuing and Restructuring General Motors and Chrysler

[Symposium: The Bailouts of 2007-2009]

By Austan D. Goolsbee and Alan B. Krueger

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2015

The rescue of the US automobile industry amid the 2008-2009 recession and financial crisis was a consequential, controversial, and difficult decision made at a fraught moment for the US economy. Both of us were involved in the decision process at the time...

Are We Finally Winning the War on Cancer?

[Symposium: Health Care]

By David M. Cutler

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2008

President Nixon declared what came to be known as the "war on cancer" in 1971 in his State of the Union address. At first the war on cancer went poorly: despite a substantial increase in resources, age-adjusted cancer mortality increased by 8 percent betw...

The Questionable Value of Having a Choice of Levels of Health Insurance Coverage

[Symposium: Health Insurance and Choice]

By Keith Marzilli Ericson and Justin Sydnor

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2017

In most health insurance markets in the United States, consumers have substantial choice about their health insurance plan. However additional choice is not an unmixed blessing as it creates challenges related to both consumer confusion and adverse sele...

Measuring Discounting without Measuring Utility

By Arthur E. Attema, Han Bleichrodt, Yu Gao, Zhenxing Huang, and Peter P. Wakker

American Economic Review, June 2016

We introduce a new method to measure the temporal discounting of money. Unlike preceding methods, our method requires neither knowledge nor measurement of utility. It is easier to implement, clearer to subjects, and requires fewer measurements than existi...

Industrial Policy and Competition

By Philippe Aghion, Jing Cai, Mathias Dewatripont, Luosha Du, Ann Harrison, and Patrick Legros

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, October 2015

Using a comprehensive dataset of all medium and large enterprises in China between 1998 and 2007, we show that industrial policies allocated to competitive sectors or that foster competition in a sector increase productivity growth. We measure competition...

A Theory of Patent Portfolios

By Jay Pil Choi and Heiko Gerlach

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2017

This paper develops a theory of patent portfolios in which firms accumulate an enormous amount of related patents, which makes it impractical to develop new products that avoid inadvertent infringement. We show that patent peace arises if product market c...

Classroom Games: Information Cascades

By Lisa R. Anderson and Charles A. Holt

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1996

This paper describes how to set up a classroom exercise in which students see private signals and make public decisions in sequence. A pattern of conforming decisions in this context is called an information cascade. Once a cascade starts, it is rational ...

Missing Gains from Trade?

By Marc J. Melitz and Stephen J. Redding

American Economic Review, May 2014

In a class of trade models which satisfy a constant elasticity gravity equation, the welfare gains from trade can be computed using the open economy domestic trade share and a constant trade elasticity. The measured welfare gains from trade from this quan...