
Showing 11,401-11,420 of 16,351 items.

Sectoral Price Facts in a Sticky-Price Model

By Carlos Carvalho, Jae Won Lee, and Woong Yong Park

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2021

We develop a multisector sticky-price DSGE model that can endogenously deliver differential responses of prices to aggregate and sectoral shocks. Input-output production linkages and a (standard) monetary policy rule contribute to a slow response of price...

School Effects on Socioemotional Development, School-Based Arrests, and Educational Attainment

By C. Kirabo Jackson, Shanette C. Porter, John Q. Easton, Alyssa Blanchard, and Sebastián Kiguel

American Economic Review: Insights, December 2020

Using value-added models on data from Chicago Public Schools, we find that high schools impact students' self-reported socioemotional development (SED) by enhancing social well-being and promoting hard work. Conditional on their test score impacts, school...