
Showing 11,621-11,640 of 16,351 items.

Oil, Equities, and the Zero Lower Bound

By Deepa D. Datta, Benjamin K. Johannsen, Hannah Kwon, and Robert J. Vigfusson

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2021

From late 2008 to 2014, oil and equity returns were more positively correlated than in other periods. In addition, we show that both oil and equity returns became more responsive to macroeconomic news. We provide empirical evidence that these changes resu...

Sovereign Debt Restructurings

By Maximiliano Dvorkin, Juan M. Sánchez, Horacio Sapriza, and Emircan Yurdagul

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2021

Sovereign debt crises involve debt restructurings characterized by a mix of face value haircuts and maturity extensions. The prevalence of maturity extensions has been hard to reconcile with economic theory. We develop a model of endogenous debt restructu...

Myopia and Anchoring

By George-Marios Angeletos and Zhen Huo

American Economic Review, April 2021

We develop an equivalence between the equilibrium effects of incomplete information and those of two behavioral distortions: myopia, or extra discounting of the future; and anchoring of current behavior to past behavior, as in models with habit persistenc...

Risk-Based Selection in Unemployment Insurance: Evidence and Implications

By Camille Landais, Arash Nekoei, Peter Nilsson, David Seim, and Johannes Spinnewijn

American Economic Review, April 2021

This paper studies whether adverse selection can rationalize a universal mandate for unemployment insurance (UI). Building on a unique feature of the unemployment policy in Sweden, where workers can opt for supplemental UI coverage above a minimum manda...