
Showing 11,681-11,700 of 16,351 items.

Exponential Satisficing

By Christopher J. Tyson

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2021

We propose the exponential satisficing model of boundedly rational decision-making, a general-purpose tool designed for use in typical microeconomic applications. The model posits that the preferences perceived and acted upon by the agent are a stochastic...

Subsidies and the African Green Revolution: Direct Effects and Social Network Spillovers of Randomized Input Subsidies in Mozambique

By Michael Carter, Rachid Laajaj, and Dean Yang

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2021

The Green Revolution, which bolstered agricultural yields and economic well-being in Asia and Latin America beginning in the 1960s, largely bypassed sub-Saharan Africa. We study the first randomized controlled trial of a government-implemented input subsi...

Five Facts about Beliefs and Portfolios

By Stefano Giglio, Matteo Maggiori, Johannes Stroebel, and Stephen Utkus

American Economic Review, May 2021

We study a newly designed survey administered to a large panel of wealthy retail investors. The survey elicits beliefs that are important for macroeconomics and finance, and matches respondents with administrative data on their portfolio composition, th...

The Role of Behavioral Frictions in Health Insurance Marketplace Enrollment and Risk: Evidence from a Field Experiment

By Richard Domurat, Isaac Menashe, and Wesley Yin

American Economic Review, May 2021

We experimentally varied information mailed to 87,000 households in California's health insurance marketplace to study the role of frictions in insurance take-up. Reminders about the enrollment deadline raised enrollment by 1.3 pp (16 percent) in this t...

Do People Respond to the Mortgage Interest Deduction? Quasi-experimental Evidence from Denmark

By Jonathan Gruber, Amalie Jensen, and Henrik Kleven

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2021

Using a major reform that scaled back the mortgage interest deduction for middle- and high-income households in Denmark, we study how tax subsidies affect housing decisions. We present four main findings. First, the mortgage deduction has a precisely esti...