
Showing 11,861-11,880 of 16,351 items.

Pandemic Protocols, Native Nutrition: Grocery Store Access from American Indian Reservations during COVID-19

By Luis Quintero, Emilia Simeonova, and Randall Akee

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2021

Native Americans have 3.5 times the COVID-19 infection rate and 1.5 times the death rate of non-Hispanic Whites. We demonstrate that social distancing policies may have unanticipated effects on behaviors. We estimate the effect of nonpharmaceutical interv...

Can Women Teach Math (and Be Promoted)? A Meta-analysis of Gender Differences across Student Evaluations of Teaching

By Amanda J. Felkey and Cassondra Batz-Barbarich

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2021

Academic women in economics have different experiences and outcomes than men and women in other social science fields do, including bias within their performance evaluation instruments, student teaching evaluations (STEs). Despite research citing biases i...

Well-Being, Poverty, and Labor Income Taxation: Theory and Application to Europe and the United States

By François Maniquet and Dirk Neumann

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2021

In a model where agents differ in wages and preferences over labor time–consumption bundles, we study labor income tax schemes that alleviate poverty. To avoid conflict with individual well-being, we require redistribution to take place between agents o...