
Showing 11,881-11,900 of 16,351 items.

Closing the Gap: The Effect of Reducing Complexity and Uncertainty in College Pricing on the Choices of Low-Income Students

By Susan Dynarski, CJ Libassi, Katherine Michelmore, and Stephanie Owen

American Economic Review, June 2021

High-achieving, low-income students attend selective colleges at far lower rates than upper-income students with similar achievement. Behavioral biases, intensified by complexity and uncertainty in the admissions and aid process, may explain this gap. In ...

Digital Dystopia

By Jean Tirole

American Economic Review, June 2021

Autocratic regimes, democratic majorities, private platforms, and religious or professional organizations can achieve social control by managing the flow of information about individuals' behavior. Bundling the agents' political, organizational, or religi...

Leaning against the Wind and Crisis Risk

By Moritz Schularick, Lucas ter Steege, and Felix Ward

American Economic Review: Insights, June 2021

Can central banks defuse rising stability risks in financial booms by leaning against the wind with higher interest rates? This paper studies the state-dependent effects of monetary policy on financial crisis risk. Based on the near-universe of advanced e...

Endogenous Education and Long-Run Factor Shares

By Gene M. Grossman, Elhanan Helpman, Ezra Oberfield, and Thomas Sampson

American Economic Review: Insights, June 2021

We study the determinants of factor shares in a neoclassical environment with capital-skill complementarity and endogenous education. In this environment estimates of the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor that fail to account for human ...