
Showing 11,961-11,980 of 16,351 items.

Tight Money-Tight Credit: Coordination Failure in the Conduct of Monetary and Financial Policies

By Julio A. Carrillo, Enrique G. Mendoza, Victoria Nuguer, and Jessica Roldán-Peña

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, July 2021

Violations of Tinbergen's rule and strategic interaction undermine stabilization policies in a New Keynesian model with the Bernanke-Gertler accelerator. Welfare costs of risk shocks are large because of efficiency losses and income effects of costly moni...

The Economic Consequences of Bankruptcy Reform

By Tal Gross, Raymond Kluender, Feng Liu, Matthew J. Notowidigdo, and Jialan Wang

American Economic Review, July 2021

A more generous consumer bankruptcy system provides greater insurance against financial risks but may also raise the cost of credit. We study this trade-off using the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA), which increased t...

Recruitment, Effort, and Retention Effects of Performance Contracts for Civil Servants: Experimental Evidence from Rwandan Primary Schools

By Clare Leaver, Owen Ozier, Pieter Serneels, and Andrew Zeitlin

American Economic Review, July 2021

This paper reports on a two-tiered experiment designed to separately identify the selection and effort margins of pay for performance (P4P). At the recruitment stage, teacher labor markets were randomly assigned to a "pay-for-percentile" or fixed-wage con...

Market Fragmentation

By Daniel Chen and Darrell Duffie

American Economic Review, July 2021

We model a simple market setting in which fragmentation of trade of the same asset across multiple exchanges improves allocative efficiency. Fragmentation reduces the inhibiting effect of price-impact avoidance on order submission. Although fragmentation ...

Shopping for Lower Sales Tax Rates

By Scott R. Baker, Stephanie Johnson, and Lorenz Kueng

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, July 2021

Using comprehensive high-frequency state and local sales tax data, we show that shopping behavior responds strongly to changes in sales tax rates. Even though sales taxes are not observed in posted prices and have a wide range of rates and exemptions, c...

On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women's Financial Control Impacts Labor Supply and Gender Norms

By Erica Field, Rohini Pande, Natalia Rigol, Simone Schaner, and Charity Troyer Moore

American Economic Review, July 2021

Can increasing control over earnings incentivize a woman to work, and thereby influence norms around gender roles? We randomly varied whether rural Indian women received bank accounts, training in account use, and direct deposit of public sector wages int...