
Showing 12,001-12,020 of 16,352 items.

Vertical Agreements and User Access

By Germain Gaudin and Alexander White

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021

Platforms acting as sales channels for producers often charge users for access via a subscription fee or a markup on hardware. We compare two common forms of vertical pricing agreement that platforms use with sellers: per unit and proportional fees. In pa...

Communities, Co-ops, and Clubs: Social Capital and Incentives in Large Collective Organizations

By Joshua A. Jacobs, Aaron M. Kolb, and Curtis R. Taylor

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021

We study a continuous-time organization design problem. Each member's output is an imperfect signal of his underlying effort, and each member's utility from remaining in the organization is endogenous to other members' efforts. Monetary transfers are assu...

Information Redundancy Neglect versus Overconfidence: A Social Learning Experiment

By Marco Angrisani, Antonio Guarino, Philippe Jehiel, and Toru Kitagawa

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021

We study social learning in a continuous action space experiment. Subjects, acting in sequence, state their beliefs about the value of a good after observing their predecessors' statements and a private signal. We compare the behavior in the laboratory wi...

Product Recalls and Firm Reputation

By Boyan Jovanovic

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021

Product recall data and information on stock price reactions to recalls are used to estimate the value of reputation in a model in which product quality is not contractible. A recall is the result of a product defect that signals low effort. The recall tr...

Managerial Style and Attention

By Wouter Dessein and Tano Santos

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021

Is firm behavior mainly driven by its environment or rather by the characteristics of its managers? We develop a cognitive theory of manager fixed effects, where the allocation of managerial attention determines firm behavior. We show that in complex envi...

Capital Structure

[Symposium: Changes in Corporate Structure]

By Stewart C. Myers

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2001

Research on capital structure attempts to explain how corporations finance real investment, with particular emphasis on the proportions of debt vs. equity financing. There is no universal theory of the debt-equity choice, and no reason to expect one. But ...