
Showing 12,281-12,300 of 16,354 items.

Dynamic Evaluation Design

By Alex Smolin

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

A principal owns a firm, hires an agent of uncertain productivity, and designs a dynamic policy for evaluating his performance. The agent observes ongoing evaluations and decides when to quit. When not quitting, the agent is paid a wage that is linear in ...

Optimal Financial Exclusion

By Cyril Monnet and Erwan Quintin

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

We study efficient exclusion policies in a canonical credit model that features both exogenous and strategic default along the equilibrium path. Policies that maximize welfare in a stationary equilibrium implement exclusion for a finite and deterministic ...

A Delegation-Based Theory of Expertise

By Attila Ambrus, Volodymyr Baranovskyi, and Aaron Kolb

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

We investigate information aggregation and competition in a delegation framework. An uninformed principal is unable to perform a task herself and must choose between one of two biased and imperfectly informed experts. In the focal equilibrium, experts exa...

A Simple Method for Bounding the Elasticity of Growing Demand with Applications to the Analysis of Historic Antitrust Cases

By Wallace P. Mullin and Christopher M. Snyder

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

We propose a simple method, requiring only minimal data, for bounding demand elasticities in growing, homogeneous-product markets. Since growing demand curves cannot cross, shifts in market equilibrium over time can be used to "funnel" the demand curve in...

Voter Turnout and Preference Aggregation

By Kei Kawai, Yuta Toyama, and Yasutora Watanabe

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

We study how voter turnout affects the aggregation of preferences in elections. Under voluntary voting, election outcomes disproportionately aggregate the preferences of voters with low voting cost and high preference intensity. We show identification of ...

The Times They Are A-Changing: Experimenting with Dynamic Adverse Selection

By Felipe A. Araujo, Stephanie W. Wang, and Alistair J. Wilson

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

We examine a common value dynamic matching environment where adverse selection accrues slowly over time. Theoretical best responses are therefore time varying, and the prior experimental literature suggests that sequential environments might lead to great...

Orchestrating Information Acquisition

By Jingfeng Lu, Lixin Ye, and Xin Feng

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

We study how to orchestrate information acquisition in an environment where bidders endowed with original estimates ("types") about their private values can acquire further information by incurring a cost. We consider both single-round and fully sequentia...

The Market for Online Influence

By Itay P. Fainmesser and Andrea Galeotti

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021

Recent developments in social media have morphed the age-old practice of paying influential individuals for product endorsements into a multibillion dollar industry, extending well beyond celebrity sponsorships. We develop a parsimonious model in which ...

The Internet as a Tax Haven?

By David R. Agrawal

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2021

If online transactions are tax free, increased online shopping may lower tax rates as jurisdictions seek to reduce tax avoidance; but, if online firms remit taxes, online sales may put upward pressure on tax rates because internet sales help enforce desti...

Fiscal Transfers in the Spatial Economy

By Marcel Henkel, Tobias Seidel, and Jens Suedekum

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2021

Many countries shift substantial public resources across jurisdictions to mitigate spatial economic disparities. We use a general equilibrium model with multiple asymmetric regions, labor mobility, and costly trade to carve out the aggregate implications ...