
Showing 2,841-2,860 of 16,341 items.

Improving Educational Quality through Enhancing Community Participation: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment in Indonesia

By Menno Pradhan, Daniel Suryadarma, Amanda Beatty, Maisy Wong, Arya Gaduh, Armida Alisjahbana, and Rima Prama Artha

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2014

Education ministries worldwide have promoted community engagement through school committees. This paper presents results from a large field experiment testing alternative approaches to strengthen school committees in public schools in Indonesia. Two no...

Deposit Collecting: Unbundling the Role of Frequency, Salience, and Habit Formation in Generating Savings

By Suresh de Mel, Craig McIntosh, and Christopher Woodruff

American Economic Review, May 2013

We report on a field experiment using several methods for collecting deposits made in formal bank accounts in rural areas in Sri Lanka. We find that only frequent, face-to-face collection increases aggregate household savings. Collection involving communi...

New York City Cab Drivers' Labor Supply Revisited: Reference-Dependent Preferences with Rational-Expectations Targets for Hours and Income

By Vincent P. Crawford and Juanjuan Meng

American Economic Review, August 2011

This paper proposes a model of cab drivers' labor supply, building on Henry S. Farber's (2005, 2008) empirical analyses and Botond Koszegi and Matthew Rabin's (2006; henceforth "KR") theory of reference-dependent preferences. Following KR, our model has t...

Are the Non-monetary Costs of Energy Efficiency Investments Large? Understanding Low Take-Up of a Free Energy Efficiency Program

By Meredith Fowlie, Michael Greenstone, and Catherine Wolfram

American Economic Review, May 2015

We document very low take-up of an energy efficiency program that is widely believed to be privately beneficial. Program participants receive a substantial home "weatherization" retrofit; all installation and equipment costs are covered by the program. Le...

A Continuous Dilemma

By Daniel Friedman and Ryan Oprea

American Economic Review, February 2012

We study prisoners' dilemmas played in continuous time with flow payoffs accumulated over 60 seconds. In most cases, the median rate of mutual cooperation is about 90 percent. Control sessions with repeated matchings over eight subperiods achieve less tha...

Creating a Smarter U.S. Electricity Grid

[Symposium: Energy Challenges]

By Paul L. Joskow

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2012

This paper focuses on efforts to build what policymakers call the "smart grid," involving 1) improved remote monitoring and automatic and remote control of facilities in high-voltage electricity transmission networks; 2) improved remote monitoring, two-wa...

Saving Social Security

[Symposium: Social Security Reform]

By Peter A. Diamond and Peter R. Orszag

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2005

Social Security is one of America's most successful government programs. It has helped millions of Americans avoid poverty in old age. To be sure, the program faces a long-term deficit and is in need of updating. But Social Security's long-term financial ...