
Showing 4,561-4,580 of 16,345 items.

Dynamic Pricing of Electricity

By Paul L. Joskow and Catherine D. Wolfram

American Economic Review, May 2012

As both a regulator and an academic, Fred Kahn argued that end-use electricity consumers should face prices that reflect the time-varying marginal costs of generating electricity. This has been very slow to happen in the US, even in light of recent techno...

Feminism and Economics

By Julie A. Nelson

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1995

Recent feminist theorizing about gender and science could improve economic practice. The usual definitions of the subject matter, models, methods, and pedagogy of economics, while often perceived as value-free and impartial, contain distinct masculine bia...

Fire Sales in Finance and Macroeconomics

[Symposium: Financial Regulation after the Crisis]

By Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2011

Analysts of the recent financial crisis often refer to the role of asset "fire sales" in depleting the balance sheets of financial institutions and aggravating the fragility of the financial system. The term "fire sale" has been around since the nineteent...

Can Marginal Rates of Substitution Be Inferred from Happiness Data? Evidence from Residency Choices

By Daniel J. Benjamin, Ori Heffetz, Miles S. Kimball, and Alex Rees-Jones

American Economic Review, November 2014

We survey 561 students from U.S. medical schools shortly after they submit choice rankings over residencies to the National Resident Matching Program. We elicit (a) these choice rankings, (b) anticipated subjective well-being (SWB) rankings, and (c) expec...

Using Artefactual Field Experiments to Learn about the Incentives for Sustainable Forest Use in Developing Economies

By Maarten Voors, Erwin Bulte, Andreas Kontoleon, John A. List, and Ty Turley

American Economic Review, May 2011

We implement a public goods game and a social intervention modeled after a public goods game in rural Sierra Leone near the Gola Forest Reserve. We also collect demographic, economic and forest conservation data on households in the area. We use this data...