
Showing 5,281-5,300 of 16,352 items.

Optimal Intermediary Rents

By Josef Schroth

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2016

This paper studies a dynamic production economy with financial intermediation. It is assumed that claims held on intermediaries cannot be fully enforced such that intermediation is subject to intermediary equity requirements. It is shown that competitive ...

Behind the GATE Experiment: Evidence on Effects of and Rationales for Subsidized Entrepreneurship Training

By Robert W. Fairlie, Dean Karlan, and Jonathan Zinman

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2015

Theories of market failures and targeting motivate the promotion of entrepreneurship training programs and generate testable predictions regarding heterogeneous treatment effects from such programs. Using a large randomized evaluation in the United States...

Seeking the Roots of Entrepreneurship: Insights from Behavioral Economics

[Symposium: Entrepreneurship]

By Thomas Astebro, Holger Herz, Ramana Nanda, and Roberto A. Weber

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2014

There is a growing body of evidence that many entrepreneurs seem to enter and persist in entrepreneurship despite earning low risk-adjusted returns. This has lead to attempts to provide explanations—using both standard economic theory and behavioral...

Have Gender Gaps in Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Narrowed under Health Reform? Findings from Massachusetts

By Sharon K. Long, Karen Stockley, and Shanna Shulman

American Economic Review, May 2011

Under its health reform legislation, Massachusetts has achieved near universal insurance coverage, along with significant gains in health care access and affordability. This paper examines the impacts of health reform in Massachusetts on differences in co...