
Showing 9,741-9,760 of 16,356 items.

What Can UWE Do for Economics?

By Tatyana Avilova and Claudia Goldin

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

Men outnumber women as undergraduate economics majors by three to one nationwide. Even at the best research universities and liberal arts colleges men outnumber women by two to one or more. The Undergraduate Women in Economics Challenge began in 2015 as a...

The Disappearing Large-Firm Wage Premium

By Nicholas Bloom, Fatih Guvenen, Benjamin S. Smith, Jae Song, and Till von Wachter

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

Large firms have paid significantly higher wages for over a century. Based on administrative data we document that the large-firm wage premium (LFWP) has declined steadily over the last 30 years. Decomposing pay into worker and firm fixed effects, we then...

Misperceptions about Tax Audits

By Marcelo Bérgolo, Rodrigo Ceni, Guillermo Cruces, Matias Giaccobasso, and Ricardo Perez-Truglia

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

For some entities, the utility-maximizing evasion rate depends substantially on tax audit features, such as audit probabilities and penalty rates. Bergolo et al. (2017) document large misperceptions about these features. In this paper, we expand the analy...

Human Judgment and AI Pricing

By Ajay Agrawal, Joshua S. Gans, and Avi Goldfarb

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

This paper examines the pricing choices of a provider of artificial intelligence (AI) services. It does so in the context of AI providing predictions to a decision-maker who also exercises what we term judgment; specifically, the discovery of payoffs from...

Dynamic Incentives in Wait List Mechanisms

By Nikhil Agarwal, Itai Ashlagi, Paulo Somaini, and Daniel Waldinger

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

Many scarce public resources are allocated through wait lists that use priorities for individual agents. A new priority system for allocating deceased donor kidneys was adopted in 2014. This redesign was guided by simulations that held decision-rules fixe...

Male Social Status and Women's Work

By Arielle Bernhardt, Erica Field, Rohini Pande, Natalia Rigol, Simone Schaner, and Charity Troyer-Moore

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

Female labor force participation varies significantly even among countries with similar levels of economic development. Recent studies have shown that gender norms can help explain these differences in women's work, but the channels through which norms im...

Natural Resources and Global Misallocation

By Alexander Monge-Naranjo, Juan M. Sánchez, and Raül Santaeulàlia-Llopis

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2019

Are production factors allocated efficiently across countries? To differentiate misallocation from factor intensity differences, we provide a new methodology to estimate output shares of natural resources based solely on current rent flows data. With this...